ABULADZE, A.V. 1972. Black Francolin – endangered bird species in Georgia. Materials of Conference of young specialists of Georgia - Biology, Agriculture and Veterinary (Tbilisi, 6-7.12.1972): 14-17. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1977. The first occurrence of Snow Banting Plectrophenax nivalis in Georgia. Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences, 85, N 2: 453-455. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1978. Raptors of Aragvi River basin. Materials of 3rd Conference of young researches of Institute of Zoology, Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 23-27. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1979. On nesting biology of Kestrel in Prone River Valley. Conference of young researches of Georgia. Abstracts. Tbilisi: 164-166. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1979. Nesting of Griffon Vulture in East Georgia. Collection of papers "Nesting ecology of birds and methods of its study". Samarkand, Uzbekistan: 5-6. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1979. Data on distribution and biology of Egyptian Vulture in Georgia. Materials of 4th Conference of young researches of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 27-30 . In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1981. Present status of the raptors in East Georgia. Abstracts of Conference of young specialists of Tbilisi City: 350-351. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1981. Distribution and numbers of Bearded Vulture in Georgia. Ecology and Protection of Birds. Materials of the VIII All-Union Ornithological Conference. Kishinev: 3-4. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1982. Raptors in East Georgia (Recent Survey). 18th International Ornithological Cong. (August 1982, Moscow, USSR). Abstracts. Moscow, Nauka publ.: 120.
ABULADZE, A. 1982. Lagodekhi State Nature Reserve. 18th Int. Orn. Cong., Moscow. Itinerary for Scientific Excursions: 33-36.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1983. The Cinereous Vulture in Georgian SSR. Ecology of birds of prey. Materials of the 1st Meeting on Ecology and Conservation of Birds of Prey, Moscow, 16-18 February 1983. Moscow, "Nauka" Press: 49-51. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1983. Distribution and numbers of Black Vulture in East Georgia. Materials of the 5th Conference of young researchers of Iinstitute of Zoology of Georgia: 22-27. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1983. Migration of the Baltic populations of some birds of prey along the Black Sea coast of Georgia and problems of their protection. Proceedings of 11th Baltic Ornithological Conference, Tallinn, 13-15.12.1983: 49-51. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1984. Birds. Fauna of typical biocenosises of Kolkhida Lowland. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 127-144. In Georgian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1984. On the effect of anthropogenic factors on Scavenging Raptors. 8th All-Union Zoogeographical Conf., Abstracts: 3-4. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1985. Amphibians and Reptils in diets of raptors in Georgia. Collection of papers "Problems of Herpethology", No 6. Tashkent: 5. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1985. Breeding biology of Buzzard in Eastern Georgia. Materials of 6th Conference of young researches of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 17-22. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1985. Non-typical behavior of Black Vulture at nest. Materials of 6th Conference of young researches of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 25-26. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1985. Osprey in Georgia. Materials of 7th Conference of young researches of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 58-62. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. Bustard in Georgian SSR (short note). Collection of papers "Bustards and their protection", Moscow: 63. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. Little Bustard in Georgian SSR (short note). Collection of papers "Bustards and their protection", Moscow: 90-91. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. Eagle Owl in Georgia (short note). Collection of papers "Rare, endangered and little studied birds of the USSR". Moscow: 47-48. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. The first occurrence of the Palm Dove Streptopelia senegalensis in Georgia. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 124, No 2: 621-623. In Russian, summary in English.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. Death of raptors in Caucasia. Collection of papers "Rare and endangered species of plants and animals in North Caucasia". Stavropol: 81-82. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. Status of rare raptors in Vashlovani reserve. Problems of nature conservation in the reserves of the forests zone of USSR, Part 2: 3-5. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. New data on rare birds of prey in the Georgian SSR. Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use. Materials of the First Meeting of the All-Union Ornithological Society and IX All-Union Ornithological Conference 16-20.12.1986. Part I: 17-19. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1987. Meaning of gnawing Mammals in diets of raptors in East Georgia. Abstarcts of the 3rd Session of Georgian Mammological Society, 17-18 October 1987, Tbilisi: 12-13. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A. 1987. White Stork in Georgia. Saqartvelos Buneba [Nature of Georgia], No 5: 21. In Georgian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1988. Great Tit in Western Georgia. Materials of 5th All-Union Conference "Species and its productivity in the distribution area", 10-12 November 1988, Tbilisi: 86-87. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1988. Nesting of Long-legged Buzzard in Georgia. Materials of 8th Conference of young researches of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Metsniereba: 60-65. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1989. Alive prey in feeding of Lammergeier in Caucasia. Ornithological resources of North Caucasia. Stavropol: 3-6. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1989. Some aspects of interrelation between raptors and Corvids in East Georgia. Corvids in natural and anthropogenic landscapes. Part 1, Lipetsk: 43-46. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1989. On the count of raptors in mountain areas. Problems of cadastre and counting of animals. Part 1. Ufa: 377-378. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1990. Methods of count of birds of prey in mountain conditions. Methods of study and conservation of Birds of Prey(mathodical recommendations). Moscow: 5-12. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1990. Catching of hawks by Georgian falconers -"Bazieri". Methods of study and conservation of Birds of Prey(mathodical recommendations). Moscow: 62-65. In Russian
ABULADZE, A.V. 1990. Organization of feeding grounds for large raptors. Methods of study and conservation of Birds of Prey(mathodical recommendations). Moscow: 240-248. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1990. Attracting of birds of prey in artificial nesting niches. Methods of study and conservation of Birds of Prey(mathodical recommendations). Moscow: 296-299. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1990. Importance of the nature reserves of Georgia for protection of raptors. Reserves of the USSR - present and future. Part 3. Zoological investigations. Novgorod: 184-187. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A. 1992. Birds of Prey in Georgia in the 20th Century. Abstracts of the 4th World Conf. on Birds of Prey and Owls (Germany, Berlin, May 1992): 5.
ABULADZE, A. 1993. Seasonal migrations of the Black Stork in East Pontica. Abstracts of the 1st International Black Stork Conservation and Ecology Symposium (Latvia, Jurmala, 19-24 April 1993): 21.
ABULADZE, A. 1993. The Black Stork in West and Central Transcaucasus. Abstracts of the 1st International Black Stork Conservation and Ecology Symposium (Latvia, Jurmala, 19-24 April 1993): 22.
ABULADZE, A. 1993. The Black Stork in East Georgia in the 20th Century. Abstracts of the 1st International Black Stork Conservation and Ecology Symposium (Latvia, Jurmala, 19-24 April 1993): 23.
ABULADZE, A. 1994. Birds of Prey in Georgia in the 20th Century. Meyburg, B.-U. & R.D.Chancellor eds. Raptor Conservation Today, WWGBP/The Pica Press: 23-28.
ABULADZE, A. 1994. Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus in Caucasia. Journal fur Ornithologie. Band 135, August 1994. Research Notes on Avian Biology 1994: Selected Contributions from the 21st International Ornithological Congress: 213.
ABULADZE, A. 1994. Georgia as a wintering area for waterfowl. International Conference «ANATIDAE-2000» (5-9 December 1994, France, Strasburg). Posters, Abstracts: 1.
ABULADZE, A. 1994. Seaduck mortality along the Black Sea coast of Georgia. International Conference “ANATIDAE-2000” (France, Strasburg, 5-9 December 1994). Posters Abstracts: 1.
ABULADZE, A. 1995. Status and conservation problems of raptors in Caucasia. Abstracts of International Conference "Holarctic Birds of Prey" (Badajoz, Spain; 17-22 April 1995): 49.
ABULADZE, A. 1995. The Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the former USSR. Abstarcts of the International Conference "Holarctic Birds of Prey" (Badajoz, Spain; 17-22 April 1995). Abstracts: 63.
ABULADZE, A. 1995. The Common Crane in Georgia: Present-day status and conservation problems. Crane Research and Protection in Europe. H.Prange (Eds.): 270-273.
ABULADZE, A. 1995. Seasonal migrations of Demoiselle Cranes in Georgia. Crane Research and Protection in Europe. H.Prange (Eds.): 302-303.
ABULADZE, A. 1995. Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus in Caucasia. Bearded Vulture Annual Report 1995. Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (F.C.B.V.), Vienna, Austria: 56-60; 1 table, Bibliography.
ABULADZE, A. 1996. Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Georgia. Eagle Studies. B.-U.Meyburg & R.D. Chancellor eds. Berlin, London & Paris: 349-355; 1 map & 6 tables.
ABULADZE, A. 1996. Ecology of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Georgia. Eagle Studies. Meyburg & Chancellor eds.: 447-457; 3 maps, 2 figures, 5 tables & Bibliography.
ABULADZE, A. 1996. The Black Stork in the Caucasian countries: distribution, status and population changes. Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on the Black Stork (Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain; 21-24 March 1996): 20.
ABULADZE, A. 1997. Status and Conservation Problems of Raptors in Caucasia. Newsletter of the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls, No 25/26: 15-19; 3 tables.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1998. Woodchat Shrike – as host species for Common Cuckoo. Kavkazskii ornitologicheskii vestnik [Caucasian Ornithological Bulletin], No 10. Stavropol': 3-4 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A.V. 1998. Squas at the Black Sea coast of Caucasus. Kavkazskii ornitologicheskii vestnik [Caucasian Ornithological Bulletin], No 10. Stavropol': 4-6 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A. 1998. The Atlas of birds of prey in Georgia. Bird Numbers 1998 where Monitoring and Ecological Research meet. 14th International Conference of European Bird Census Council. Abstracts. 23-31 March 1998, Cottbus, Germany: 132.
ABULADZE, A. 1998. The Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus in Caucasia. Holarctic Birds of Prey. ADENEX – WWGBP. Chancellor, R.D., B.-U. Meyburg & J.J. Ferrero eds.: 177-182; 1 table, Bibliography.
ABULADZE, A. 1998. Daten zum Greifvogelzug Herbst 1997 in Georgien. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 50, Nr.12-1998: 369-371; 1 table, Bibliography.
ABULADZE, A. 1998. Erstnachweise der Eideerente in Transkaukasien. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, 50, No 12-1998: 381-372.
ABULADZE, A. 1998. Georgische Vogelschutz-Union gegrundet. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, 12: 388-389.
ABULADZE, A. 1999. Die Nachweise der Marmelente in Georgien. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, 2: 67-68.
ABULADZE, A. 1999. Die bisherigen Nachweise der Rothalsgans in Georgien. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, 5: 185.
ABULADZE, A. 1999. The Hen Harrier wintering in Georgia. Materials of the 3rd Conference on Birds of Prey of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (Kislovodsk, 15-18 September 1998). Part 2. Stavropol': 6-9 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A. 1999. Materials on Falconiformes wintering in Georgia. Materials of the 3rd Conference on Birds of Prey of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (Kislovodsk, 15-18 September 1998). Part 2. Stavropol': 9-13 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A. 1999. On birds of prey transmigration in Georgia in autumn 1997. Materials of the 3rd Conference on Birds of Prey of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (Kislovodsk, 15-18 September 1998). Part 2: 13-16 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A. 2001. Part "Birds" in: Vertebrate Animals of Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park. Field-Guide. Editor-in-chif A.Kandaurov, Specific editor R.Jordania, Project coordinator K.Jandieri. Published by WWF Georgia. Tbilisi 2001. Birds - on pp. 90-233. (Text in Georgian and in English).
ABULADZE, A.V. 2001. Lesser Kestrel in Georgia. Materials of the XI International ornithological Conference of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (Kazan, 29 January-3 February 2001): 25-26 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A.V. 2001. Lesser Kestrel in Georgia. Achievements and problems of Ornithology of Northern Eurasia on a boundary of centuries. Edited by E.Kurochkin and I.Rakchimov. Magarif publishers, Kazan: 316-336; 4 tables & Bibliography.
ABULADZE, A. 2001. Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Transcaucasia. Acta Ornithoecologica, 4, part 2-4: 321-324.
ABULADZE, A. 2001. The Greater Aquila clanga and Lesser Aquila pomarina Spotted Eagle migrations in western Georgia. Acta Ornithoecologica, 4, part 2-4: 392-395.
ABULADZE, A. 2002. The first winter record of the Common Crane in Georgia. Cranes of Eurasia (Distribution, number, biology). Collection of papers. Moscow, Crane Working Group of Eurasia: 12-14 (in Russian & English).
ABULADZE, A.V. 2003. Status of Pallid Harrier in Georgia and Transcaucasia. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3 February 2003. Edited by Prof.Dr.Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University 109-112 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A.V. 2003. Rough-legged Buzzard wintering in Transcaucasia. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3 February 2003. Edited by Prof.Dr.Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University 121-124 (in Russian).

ABULADZE, A.V., BARATASHVILI, T.K. 1982. Some aspects of interrelation between raptors and wolfs. Materials of 1st Session of Mammological Society of Georgia, Tbilisi, 14-15 December 1982. Metsniereba: 16-18. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A., BUTJEV, W.T. & E.A. LEBEDEVA. 1999. Ablauf und Ringschlus der Turkentauben-Verbreitung im Kaukasus-Gebiet. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, No 6/7: 233-237 (in German).
ABULADZE, A.V., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 1984. Zimovki grachei v Gruzinskoi SSR. Ekologiya, biotsenoticheskoe i khozyaistvennoe znachenie vranovykh ptits. Materialy I Vsesoyuznogo sovetshaniya. Moscow, Nauka: 56-57. In Russ.
ABULADZE, A.V., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 1985. Materialy po ekologii ushastoi sovy v Gruzii. Materials of 7th Conference of young researches of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi: 19-23. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 2003. Raptor migration in Georgia in winter and autumn 1998. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3 February 2003. Edited by Prof. Dr. Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University 106-109 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A.V., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 2003. On the fauna of owls in Georgia. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3 February 2003. Edited by Prof.Dr.Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University 273-277 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A.V., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V., BAKHTADZE, G.I., KANDAUROV, A.S. 2003. Wintering of raptors in Georgia in 1998-2000. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3 February 2003. Edited by Prof.Dr.Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University 117-121 (in Russian).
ABULADZE A.V, ELIGULASHVILI V.E. 1986. White Stork Ciconia ciconia L. in Georgia. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Georgian SSR, 124, No 2: 417-420. In Russian, summary in English.
ABULADZE A.V, ELIGULASHVILI V.E. 1988. Nesting of Yellow-legged Gull at Lake of Paleostomi. Proceedings of Inst. of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences: 59-60. In Russian.
ABULADZE A.V, ELIGULASHVILI V.E. 1990. Wintering of swans in Georgia. Ekologiya i okhrana lebedei v SSSR. Melitopol':134-135. In Russian.
ABULADZE A., ELIGULASHVILI V. 1996. White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Transcaucasus. Eagle Studies. Mayburg & Chancellor eds. Berlin, London & Paris: 173-176, 1 map.
ABULADZE, A.V., ELIGULASHVILI, B.E., ROSTIASHVILI, G.G. 1990. Can the Caucasian Black Grouse considered recovered ? Sinantropizatsija zhivotnykh Severnogo Kavkaza. Stavropol: 3-6. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., ELIGULASHVILI, B.E., ROSTIASHVILI, G.G. 1990. Data on Corvids of Tbilisi. Corvids in natural and anthropogenic landscapes. Part 2. Lipetsk: 95-97. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., ELIGULASHVILI, B.E., ROSTIASHVILI, G.G. 1991. On the Status of Lanner in USSR. Proc. of 10th All-Union Ornit. Conf. , Vitebsk, 17-20.09. 1991, Part 1: 26-28. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., ELIGULASHVILI, B.E., ROSTIASHVILI, G.G., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 2003. Status of some rare raptor species in Georgia. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3.02. 2003. Edited by Prof.Dr.Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University 106-109 (in Russian).
ABULADZE, A., ELIGULASHVILI, B., ROSTIASHVILI, G., SHERGALIN, J. 1995. Present status of Black Vulture's populations in Caucasia Intern. Conf. Bird Numbers 1995, 25-30 September 1995, Parnu, Estonia). Abstarcts: 3.
ABULADZE, A., ELIGULASHVILI, B., ROSTIASHVILI, G., SHERGALIN, J. 1996. Results of 20-years studies of raptors migration in East Pontica. Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on raptors (2-5 October 1996, Urbino, Italy). Abstacts: 125.
ABULADZE, A., ELIGULASHVILI, B., SHERGALIN, J. 1998. Shrikes in Transcaucasia. Shrikes of the World-II: conservation implementation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Shrike Symposium, 17-23 March 1996, International Birdwatching Center in Eilat, Israel. Ed. by Reuven, Y. & F.E. Lohrer: 14-15.
ABULADZE, A., ELIGULASHVILI, B., SHERGALIN, J. 2002. Wintering of raptors in Georgia. Raptors in the New Millenium. Proceedings of the World Conference on Birds of Prey & Owls "RAPTORS 2000". Eilat, Israel, 2-8 April 2000. Edited by Reuven Yosef, Michael L. Miller & David Pepler: 141.
ABULADZE, A.V., KANDAUROV, A.S. 1990. Waders of the Middle Kura River valley. Ornitologia, No 24: 137. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., KANDAUROV, A.S., ELIGULASHVILI, B.E., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 1986. Ciconiiformes birds status in the Georgia. Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use. Materials of the First Meeting of the All-Union Ornithological Society and IX All-Union Ornithological Conference 16-20.12.1986. Part I:19-20. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1994. The Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni within the Former USSR. Journal fur Ornithologie, 135, August, 1994. Research Notes on Avian Biology: Selected Contributions from the 21st Intern. Ornithol. Congress: 214.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1994. On new threats to Imperial Eagles. Newsletter of the World Working Group on Birds of Prey & Owls (WWGBP) No 19/20: 7-9.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1996. Present status of the Black Vulture in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on raptors. 2-5 October 1996, Urbino, Italy: 85-86.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1996. On the Present Status of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in the European Part of the former Soviet Union. Eagle Studies. B.-U.Meyburg & R.D.Chancellor eds. Berlin, London & Paris: 443-446; Bibl.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1996. Migration of the Black Stork in Black Sea basin: results of 20 years studies. Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on the Black Stork (Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain; 21-24 March 1996): 92.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1998. Distribution, population trend and ecology of the Griffon Vulture in eastern Europe and northern Asia. Proceedings of the 22 International Ornithological Congress. Abstracts of Oral Presentations and Posters. Eds.:N.J. Adams & R.H. Slotow. Durban, South Africa. Ostrich, vol. 69, No 3 and 4: 416.
ABULADZE, A.V., SHERGALIN, J.E. 1998. The Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the former USSR. Holarctic Birds of Prey. ADENEX-WWGBP. Chancellor, R.D., B.-U. Meyburg & J.J. Ferrero eds.: 83-195.
ABULADZE, A., SHERGALIN, J. 1998. New data on the status of the Bearded Vulture in Caucasia. Bearded Vulture Annual Report 1998. Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture, Vienna, Austria: 56-60.
ABULADZE, A., SHERGALIN, J. 2000. Kolkheti Lowland (GE-01). In: Raptor Watch: A Global Directory of Raptor Migration Sites. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 9. Jorje J. Zalles & Keith L. Bildstein Eds. A joint publication with Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. [Georgia on pp. 239-241; Kolkheti Lowland (GE-01) on pp.239-240].
ABULADZE, A., SHERGALIN, J. 2002. The Golden Eagle in North Caucasia and Transcaucasia. The Journal of Raptor Research, 36, No 1, March 2002: 10-17.
ABULADZE, A., SHERGALIN, J., ROSTIASHVILI, G., ELIGULASHVILI, B. 1996. Shrikes in Transcaucasia. 2nd Int. Shrike Symposium, 17-23 March 1996, Eilat, Israel: 3.
ABULADZE, A., SHERGALIN, J., ROSTIASHVILI, G., ELIGULASHVILI, B. 1998. Present Status of Caucasian Population of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos. 5th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls (4-11.08.1998, Midrand, South Africa). Abstracts: 33.
GALUSHIN, V., ABULADZE, A. 1998. The Black Vulture in former USSR. Tewes, E., Sanchez, J., Heredia, B., Bijleveld van Lexmond (Eds.). Proceedings of International Symposium on the Black Vulture in South Eastern Europe and adjacent regions (15-16 September 1993, Dadia, Greece). Palma de Mallorca: 77-79.
KANDAUROV, А.S, ABULADZE, А.V. 1985. Birds nesting on buildings in East Georgia. Materials of 6th Conference of young researchers of the Institute of Zoology of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi: 23-24. In Russian.






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